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so many things happened, and so many things in my head that i don't know how to deal with them correctly.......

two people live in different world, worry different stuff, head to different direction.....

Chinita inn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

It was a big shocking news for me that Japan had this serious disaster - an 8.9-magnitude earthquake and tsunami!

Watching the CNN news at home, checking the internet videos, reading all the bloggers posts......all of them, just overwhelming for me.

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Just organized some old letters and cards (including birthday cards and christmas cards)....

figured out that in the past...we were kind of ''crazy and stupid''!!

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Back to the Woodlands, everything seems normal....

however, so many stuff need to take care and make decision....

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  • Aug 26 Thu 2010 11:44
  • 無常



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Chinita inn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

Just saw the high school classmates had a summer trip at  Kenting together....so envy them....


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Well.....since I have been lazy for this week....actually from last weekend....


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This is my first post during my working hour..( not a good employee!!! )

Have not writeten anything since 2009...( man.. i am damn so lazy at this stuff )

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